The full press release is below with all the details. Please stop by and enjoy the stories, poetry, activities and online games with your favorite little ones.
CONTACT: Donna McDine, Editor-in-Chief, Guardian Angel Kids Ezine
For Immediate Release
Children's Ezine Guardian Angel Kids: The Human Body - March 2012 Issue
Welcome to the March 2012 issue of Guardian Angel Kids Ezine (GAK). This
month our theme for GAK is The Human Body.
Did you know that you lose 60 - 100 strands of hair every day? Or that
fingernails grow nearly four times faster than toenails? The distance around
the earth is 25,000 miles. If you measured the length of all of a child's
blood vessels, the total would be 60,000 miles. In an adult, it would be
100,000 miles or nearly four times the distance around the earth.
And that bothersome earwax that seems to build up so frequently? It protects
the delicate inner ear. Our bodies are indeed complex and amazing.
Come explore the world of "The Human Body" through featured books, poetry,
activities, engaging stories, and articles
< com/> angel-kids. com.
Letter from the POETRY EDITOR: Donna J. Shepherd
Featured BookS:
Muscles Make Us Move: The Sum of Our Parts Series - Flip Book by Bill Kirk &
Artist Eugene Ruble
Human Anatomy Video by Dejan Kober
Children'S poetry, ACTIVITIES, SHORT STORIES, and articleS:
In the Bone Zone by Bill Kirk - learn about the skeleton through this
amusing poem.
Games and Activities to Teach the Human Body by Kathy Stemke - games and
activities that require whole body participation will attract children's
If I Have to be Normal by Juliana Jones and illustrated by Clara Batton
Smith - finding a healthy balance even if you don't follow the "normal" way.
Listen Up! by Laura Thomas and illustrated by Jack Foster - school girl
Jasmine discovers the hard way why we are created with two ears and just one
Excuse Me, I Burped! by Layne Fleming - you open your mouth to speak and out
comes a burp. You're embarrassed. You wonder why you burped.
Read Aloud Tips and Strategies: How Educators and Parents Can Sustain
Interest by Dorit Sasson - both educators and parents play a strong role in
ensuring young readers are engaged during read aloud time.
Visit Guardian Angel Kid today and <> angel-kids. com and enjoy a child safe and ad free Ezine.
We also invite you to stay connected with Guardian Angel Kids through our
Facebook Fan Page
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http://www.facebook .com/pages/ Guardian- Angel-Kids-Ezine/163785080346247.
Please feel free to drop Editor-in-Chief, Donna McDine an email at
submissions@ and let them know what you think of
Guardian Angel Kids and what you'd like to see in the future. They aim to
The Guardian Angel Kids Ezine staff and contributors look forward to your
visit. Thank you for your time and interest.